Corner Canyon Mountain Biking is a nationwide leader not only in team size, but in excellence on and off the bike. We are proud of our riders and the values they exemplify in our community.
UTAH RegionS
For 2025, we are part of REGION 3. For more details on regions click here.
Once the team is organized, all events dates are listed in TeamSnap. Please familiarize yourself with TeamSnap and it’s features. It is important to mark attendance for most events.
- March 5 - Team Kickoff Meeting - 7:00 p.m. CCHS Cafeteria
- March 5 - Intent to Register Opens (sign up by March 8 to receive a registration link)
- March 10 - Registration Opens (you will receive an email with a link if you filled out the Intent to Register form)
- May - SKILLS TRAINING dates: Beginner and Advanced Skills by sign up - details TBD
- JUNE/JULY PRACTICES- team morning practice Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6:30am-8:30am
- AUGUST PRACTICE - Same as June/July until school starts, then practices move to 6:30pm, moving earlier as the sun starts going down earlier
Riders are expected to attend practices during the summer. Beginning in August, all practices are required. We will practice on M/W evenings and alternate racing on Saturdays and pre-riding race courses during the week or on Saturdays.
We recognize that we train during the summer months and attendance expectations can present a considerable challenge for riders. However, if racers aren’t riding/training consistently, they will not be prepared for the stress and skill of racing. Our attendance policy reflects our desire to ensure our riders are prepared for racing. Our staff works diligently throughout the summer to make this experience possible. If you are not able to meet these expectations, please do not sign up. Again this year we must limit our team size to approximately 200. Please carefully consider your eligibility as outlined in our team rules.
Pre-Season Events (April/May) - Most pre-season events are either based around skills training or getting to know your team members. All riders must be passed off on basic riding skills before practices start. Skills training will take place during April and May and each rider is expected to attend two sessions. First-year CCHS riders must attend one additional skills session designated for new team members only. An additional girls-only training will be held in May or early June. A team kickoff BBQ will be held as well as possible social get togethers or fun group rides, TBD by coaches. Attendance at these activities is highly recommended.
Early Practice Season (June - July) - Riders should attend all practices held in this time frame. If a rider will be missing a practice, they should inform their group coach in advance. It is expected that riders will at least 70% of summer practices. Riders who cannot meet this expectation are asked to reconsider registration for the team. Riders who routinely miss practices, show up late, and/or leave early will be removed from the team at the coaches’ discretion. Exceptions to this policy will only be considered by petition from the student and a parent/guardian to the head coach, and should be limited to extenuating circumstances such as injury or illness.
Race season (August - October) – Riders committing to the team are expected to attend all practices and races during race season. Riders who routinely miss afternoon practices, show up late, and/or leave early will be removed from the team at the coaches discretion. Exceptions to this policy will only be considered by petition from the student and a parent/guardian to the head coach, and should be limited to extenuating circumstances such as injury or illness.
Can I do MTB with another sport? - It depends on the sport. Participation on this team does not work well with many other fall sports. We expect riders to attend a minimum of 70% of practices in order to race. We expect riders to attend all races, including the State championship if you qualify. Carefully consider participation on more than one high school sport per season if it will preclude you from meeting your attendance commitment to this team.
We believe that education comes first. A GPA of 3.0. must be achieved in the 3rd quarter of the 2024/25 school year in order to be on the team. We want you to be a successful student first, and a successful racer second.
Those riders with educational plans (IEP or 504) can discuss this with the coaching staff. We will not prevent riders who have a plan and are doing their very best from participating.
All riders are expected to take part in two team-sponsored trail work events each year, which occur during the summer. We are proud of our track record of donating thousands of hours to building and maintaining our trails and improving our Corner Canyon park.
We don’t want any of these costs to be a deterrent to any rider’s participation. If needed, you can access our Financial Assistance Application here.
2025 Race Dates
Links to race flyers are added here as soon as they are available prior to races. Flyers include directions, race day schedules, and all the information you need for each event. Check here often for details. You can also refer to our RACE DAY MANUAL for all information regarding CCHS specific race day procedures.
AUGUST 23 - Herriman
SEPT 6 - Beaver Mountain
SEPT 20 - Panguitch
OCTOBER 4 - REGION CHAMPIONSHIP - Gunnison High school only. All racers in good standing with the team are eligible.
OCTOBER 17 - 18 - STATE CHAMPIONSHIP - Cedar City Racers must qualify to attend, but all are welcome to come support!
This team’s success is critically dependent on our amazing group of ride leaders and other volunteers. There will be many opportunities to help this team. We expect each family to volunteer (part of registration) in one or more ways to make this team a success. We encourage you to get involved. If you would like to be a ride leader, you can find more information here.
All information about the team can be found at
Should you have additional questions or concerns about the upcoming season, please feel free to contact us directly at